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Nanoparticle reinforced polymers make up an incredibly large fraction of commercial polymer products sold today, with silica reinforced tires perhaps being the most well recognized. With the advent of polymers used in microelectronics, nanophotonics, biopharmaceuticals, drug delivery, and separation membranes, there are now numerous advanced applications where nanoparticles, organic/inorganic and nanostructured polymer-derived materials are being used to improve properties.


In the high tech area, organic modified quantum dots are just now being adapted for use in high luminescence flat panel displays to replace LCDs, but the potential to use these materials for more widespread applications has been largely ignored in the polymer community. Likewise, there are potential opportunities with many other nano-materials. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a broad range of stakeholders in the area of polymer nanotechnology, both to provide a learning experience for communities interested in expanding their knowledge and to bring cutting edge research in this area to a more general audience. 


Dr. Richard M. Laine

Macromolecular Science and Engin.

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136






Prof. Jaime Grunlan

Leland T. Jordan ’29 Chair Professor

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843-3123






ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.

1075 Life Science Circle, MC 0917

(on-campus at Virginia Tech)

Blacksburg, VA  24061

phone: 540-320-1679



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We believe in the strength of diversity in all its forms, because the inclusion of and respect for diverse people, experiences, and ideas lead to superior solutions to world challenges and advances polymer chemistry as a global, multidisciplinary science.


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